Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reviews, Questions, A Poll, Oh my!

Yay! We are so much closer to 2010. I have a few questions for you-if you can hang through my year in review, you'll see them. First and most important, how are we saying 2010? Is it twenty-ten? Or Two-thousand-ten? Just curious....

2009-What can I say about thee? Don't get excited, this post will not rhyme. I do not have rhyming intelligence of a ten year old, ok?

In January you were full of promise and hope. I had a five month old bundle of joy at home. I received unemployment benefits and we had this amazing sense of security. In the small town of Alturas, California January-you looked so bright.

February brought me a correspondence course through the Institute of Children's Literature. My instructor, Kristi Thompson, tells me how wonderful I am. I met a fabulous critique partner, another beginner in her journey and ended up with a friend for life. I speak to her almost daily and she encourages me to write every day. February, you brought me sweet kisses of love and even convinced me to half way celebrate that dreaded V-day.

March introduced me to a muse that whispers the idea of a novel into my ear. I try to ignore it and continue my focus on writing for children. I entered multiple contests for picture books, the writer's digest competition and more that I can't even recall. March, you blew my writing life around and I didn't know what to do. I focused on Magazine market research. But, March, you also gave me some great stories.

April was a difficult beginning with a very demanding 7 month old prince and no real direction in my writing. Suddenly it all seemed overwhelming and impossible. I had subscribed to Writer's Digest and while I love the magazine, now, at first it only intimidated the hell out of me! My critique partner convinced me to start writing that novel I wanted to write. Then, my father in law passed and everything was put on hold. We drove to Tennessee for the services. Due to financial reasons, time limits, unavailable babysitters, we drove as a family to get there. That was a long, long drive.

May brought us to a decision of staying in Tennessee. I used a friend's laptop to keep in touch with my incredibly supportive writerly friends at Writer's Retreat. A forum where ICL students are directed to get to know other writers. I didn't write much. I couldn't think with all the other changes going on in our life.

June: Struggled to write, even my fabulous friend couldn't convince me to just write something. I felt empty, drained. I was dealing with a lot of physical pain and stress of uprooting our whole lives. It was kind of like, someone popped the black bubble that had been secured around my head and I went.... "Oh, Shit."

July: I don't know that I wrote a darn thing

August: Even after a birthday, I couldn't imagine writing anything worth reading so why write it? I had no clues to stories that would last longer than ten pages. I felt pathetic. I dipped my toes in the water of blogging.

September: Received the help I needed medically after FINALLY winning a battle with insurance companies. Wow, there's a world out there! I blogged a little more often. I tried to find my passion again.

October: I did my pre-nano practice session and wrote new words in any WIP (the ones that couldn't last longer than ten pages-August) every day. I loved, loved it.

November: Participated in nano with a fresh idea. Loved it. Got out that first draft and felt like I was on top of the world. It was a novel and it was complete. Strength renewed. Confidence up. I worked up the nerve to contact a real live, in the flesh author. And she agreed to do an interview on my blog! Blogging is fabulous, isn't it?

December: Gained more followers, learned more about blogging, networking, writing and even parenting. I held my first interview with Heidi Willis regarding her debut novel, Some Kind of Normal. December brought a wave of emotions regarding my writing that I'll be glad to be done with. The highs of something great, the lows of impatience, revising, revising, doubting....well, you know how that goes.

I will leave my Goals post for tomorrow. Now...for some questions...

What are your New Year's traditions? Do you do anything on the actual 1st? Just party on the Eve? Let me know. I've read so many posts about goals and years in review(which I love), so I won't ask about that today. :0)
*****If you are using a reader to access this blog-please click through for the poll at the top. It helps me a ton!****


  1. Kristi,
    Don't you just love it when you live three lifetimes within one short year? Sort of puts a whole new perspective on Time Flies doesn't it?

    Hope things are looking up and joy and prosperity will envelope you forever. Happy New Year, my friend! You deserve it all.

    ~ Just Joany
    Red Wagon Flights

  2. Wow - your year was certainly full. Hope you enjoy 2010 and it brings you much happiness and joy!

  3. What a year! I'm so glad you wrote this, because I feel like I know you a lot better now! I hope this coming year is less upheaval and more stability for you! (Not that writing allows a lot of that, but at least in your life!)

    So funny you had to get up the nerve to ask me!! I'm so thrilled you did. Us writers, even published ones, are just people. And we really want someone to care that we wrote something. You did an awesome interview, and I look forward to hearing more from other authors on your blog in the future!

    Toasting to a new, healthy, productive new year, full of success and agents and new books!

  4. Lovely post, Kristi! You've come a long way this year, and I know 2010 will be even better:)

    No real traditions for us. We just go with the flow. Tonight, we're eating at my dad's house and maybe having a few fireworks. Really looking forward to that:)

    Have a wonderful New Year!

  5. Joany: Yes, it is amazing what we can go through in a year. I didn't realize how hectic/odd it had been until I really sat down to think about it.

    Jemi: And to you as well!! I'm rooting for 2010 to be great!

    Heidi: I know, I'm such a nerd...but I admire and look up to you-and especially after reading your book. So refreshingly wonderful on all levels. I'm glad we met!

    Melissa: Oooh fireworks sounds like fun! We usually stay up all night playing board games until we watch the ball drop. Then we're all usually so tired we just go to bed. LOL I hope your New Year is full of wonders!

  6. I call it twenty-ten, but that's just me. :-) We don't really have any traditions. Hubby works every New Years eve. I tend to stay home to avoid the horde of drunk drivers on the road. I used to have the tradition of watching monster movies all night, but had to stop that once DD got old enough to have nightmares from the movies. The last couple of years its been Disney Channel marathons, gag me, but we don't have Disney Channel anymore so not sure what we'll be doing tonight.

  7. We have no traditions for New Year's. We just go with the flow. Tonight, we will be staying in, and I'll probably end up being the only one awake at midnight, but I'm okay with that. I plan on getting some writing done. I can't think of a better way to bring in the New Year. Have a great one, and we'll talk in twenty-ten. (I think that's what I'll call it. It's shorter and easier to say than two thousand and ten.)

  8. We usually stay home and get to bed early. Not very exciting I know! But the pressure of having a big night on New Years eve is just too overwhelming and I'd rather not even try. Plus, I'd really just rather be with my hubby and kiddos than braving the crowds and the drunks on the road.

    Tonight we're playing the new Wii and tomorrow we'll watch the Looney Tunes Marathon on Cartoon Network. You just can't beat those old cartoons. ;)

    Happy New Year!

  9. Angelia: Smart to stay off the roads! We always stay at home too. We played Chutes and Ladders and some Life before princess Kayla gave up. Then we watched Times Square countdown and now we're about to go to bed! So, Erin, boring is good!
    Susan: Well, Happy new Year during your writing tonight. err this morning. :0)


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