Friday, December 18, 2009

Random Honesty

Wow! Wow! Two awards in a week?! New followers?! I'm loving my bloglife. I've just created that term, copyright it please. I mean, people in our world truly rock. I don't care what anyone says.

So, the honest scrap award came to me by way of Caroline at Caroline By Line. How totally freaking awesome is that title? Always been one of my favorites. Definitely check out her blog. Caroline has a fabulous way of presenting reading ideas for kids, writing tips for writers and inspiration for all. I'm so glad I found her in this WWW(new copyright-Weird World of Weblogging). According to rules I tell you ten honest things about myself (uh oh) and then present the award to some of my favorite scrappers bloggers. So, here are ten honest things about me. Watch out!
  1. If I never made it as a writer, I would be an actress. Drama is my first name. I mean, I've toned down a little since I hit my uh, thirties. But, I can be quite the drama queen.
  2. The first boy I kissed slobbered all over my face and chin. It was so gross that I did anything possible to always be in the same room with my mom so he couldn't do it again. The next boyfriend I had, I didn't let him kiss me for a looooong time.
  3. When I was 19, I flew to CA from Texas, then traveled in a '73 Pontiac Lemans (which was totally bitchin', I miss that car!) all the way up the West Coast and then down to CO and back to TX. Alone. I didn't think it was a big deal. I had so many adventures. I could have been killed, robbed and raped at least 30 times according to my naivete and actions. Really, how could I not believe in Angels???
  4. I still have my puppy whose name is Puppy from when I was 8 years old. It's one of the last things I have that my great grandmother bought for me. Puppy is no longer very pretty, but he will most likely never leave my home.
  5. I hate folding clothes. I hate putting them away even more. It happens to be my children's new chore. :0)
  6. I worked for Microsoft when Win95 came out and I thought I was all that. I know nothing.
  7. Holy cow, has it really been almost 15 years since Win95?? Please tell me I'm wrong in my math. Oh God-This honesty is that I constantly FORGET that time has passed. How is this possible? Seriously?
  8. I use iGoggle as my homepage so that my Reader, Gmail and pertinent headlines are constantly a click away. And yes, I click too much (have to make sure I have comments!!)
  9. I think I could live on Subway. I make such sandwiches at home, however it's just not as satisfying as Subway. Why? I think it's because someone else makes it. And cleans up the mess.
  10. Up until the day I got pregnant, I swore I would NEVER have kids and NEVER get married. Once I had Rhiannon, I swore I would have NO MORE kids and never move again. 12 moves and two kids later, I give up on NEVER and NO MORE.
And now for my nominations:
JM Diaz at An Ulterior Motive-My one guy follower (I think...are there any other guys that I'm missing?) but I love his blog. He has a great take on writing adventures.
Alexa at Hooked on YA books-a new follower, I love her detailed reviews of the books she reads. If you haven't seen her blog, check it out! She's also striving to meet 150 followers so she can throw a contest. :0)
Laurel's Leaves-Smart, fabulously funny
Regina Rhythm-Always well written, always unique and thoughtful
Steph in the City-Here's some honesty for you on about any subject you'd like. :0)


  1. Congrats :) Well deserved! I'm off to work, but I'll check out the new links later :)

  2. That's so weird- I was just telling my bloggie Jane that I can''t believe how lucky I was to escape my twenties without being killed, robbed, raped, etc. I put myself in so many dumb situations without a second thought. Ah, youth....
    Oh, and I had a horrible first kiss too. I'm still sort of annoyed by that.
    And I'll gladly do your laundry if you'll do my dusting.

  3. I can so dust if you fold, Lucy. :0)

    Jemi: Thanks :0) Definitely check out the links when you have time.

  4. Congratulations on your award. Our dryer went on the fritz and we've found that if you hang the clothes in their first fold, the job isn't so terrible, once they're dry.
    Word Designer
    Architect of Prose

  5. Congrats and thanks for the kind words.

  6. 15 yeas since Windows 95? Look how far we've come! Back when I was a kid, 2010 sounded SO far away. I remember people talking about 2020 and me realizing I'd be 50 in that year and I really felt like it was so far away, we'd never make it there!

  7. Congrats! I hate folding laundry too. That would be why I have a huge pile sitting on the dryer as we speak.

  8. Stephanie: Thanks for such a fabulously funny blog! :0) It's amazing how time flies, isn't it? I remember hearing about the year 2010 too and that it would never get here. LOL

    Susan: Yup, that's where my laundry generally sits, as well as couches, chairs and beds. LOL

  9. Congrats on your award. Great Honest Scrap. Your road trip sounds fantastic.

  10. Never say never!!! Congrats on the award! Can't wait to check out your nominees.

  11. This post made me smile. Reminded me of some similar experiences. Have a great holiday!

  12. Congrats on your award! I enjoyed reading your meme. The road trip sounds quite like some of my escapades. We were frightfully naive, eh?

  13. Kristi, What a wonderful and upbeat post! You, ve got me smiling! Congratulations on the Award! Thanks for your honesty... you've got me inspired. Everything you wrote about, now I can have subject for those days when I can't think of a thing to write about! Since you remember your trip up the coast, I live halfway up on the Montery Bay a half mile from the ocean. Hope you have some fond memory of where I am.

  14. Oh, Elizabeth, not only do I have fond memories of where you are, I wish I could go back RIGHT NOW!! :0) I miss California more than I ever thought it possible to miss a "place" :) I think you have to live there to understand. :)

    Thank you for such high praise, I'm glad you found this post upbeat. I only wish to make people around me smile.


Your spotlight on R.A.W. :0) I strive to respond if you have your email address attached!