Thursday, December 17, 2009

Rolling with the Unexpected

"To accomplish great things, we must

not only act, but also dream, not
only plan, but also believe."
- Anatole France

This is a re-post. I've become incredibly busy with some uhh forgotten To Do lists (hate it when that happens) and then we'll get back to original posts. :0) Enjoy!
The young prince woke up two hours before my scheduled alarm, and I went to bed two hours after my scheduled bedtime last night. I remembered that Princess Rhiannon has a doctor's appointment at 8 am along with Young Prince needing his round of shots at the same time. This will be about 20 minutes after I get back from dropping off Princess Kayla at school. Oh yes-and I wanted to walk today.

Obviously, for all my planning, nothing has gone right as of yet. Seeing that it's the first day of the month, I can be flexible and move around my activities for that which is important or necessary. Even as I type, I have a 13 month old trying to help me remove the evil mouse from my computer desk and attack my feet under the desk. I won't tell you how many times he has typed his own opinion and I've had to censor it. He's even more winded than I! ;)

I'm one of those people that plan, list and organize things at least a week in advance. Due to this nature, I'm also one of those people that really, really, really really hate it when things don't go my way. (Especially after all that planning!) I freak out for about ten minutes; bemoaning whatever problem it may be that has kept me from my regularly scheduled programming. When I finally decide to join the ranks of reality, I adjust my schedule or plans and move on.


What about when the unexpected is more traumatic than losing four hours of sleep? (I know, is there anything more traumatic than that?) How do you adjust your schedules and plans for writing? Or does writing fall to the wayside until you get your feet under you again? I have to admit, I've been guilty of the latter here recently. Then, I watched the audtions for So You Think You Can Dance.

One young lady, beautiful and talented, lost one of her hands to a rare form of cancer. Do you know she danced anyway? She moved her arms around like any other dancer with two functional hands. She gave it all the passion and all the oomph she had. Even during the couples part of the show, she danced with a partner and worked with it. In the end, she didn't get further than the audition, but the judges all gave her the respect and recognition she deserved for her hard work despite the unexpected loss of her hand. And, she danced beautifully-she just needed a little more work (according to the professionals).

How can I gripe about lack of sleep, or the interruptions of life during my escape to fiction, when this woman doesn't even have a hand to dance with? I had to really re-evaluate how much I want this career. Much like the woman that auditioned, I want it badly. So, do I continue to push off writing for another day when my schedule is more allowable, or do I make adjustments, expect the unexpected and roll with it?? I think you know what my answer is.

So, this morning, for all of you that may have laid down the pen, turned off the word processor and bemoaned the unexpected twists in this life of writing-get back in the saddle. Do you have two hands?

This isn't to belittle other problems we may face. Obviously-we all have them. However-it is to put into perspective what really matters. Our passion? Or those unexpected pitfalls along the way?


  1. Everywhere I turn I'm reminded that life happens to all of us. No one is exempt from pitfalls!

    Writing can be painful sometimes, just like everything else.

  2. I've learned from my Christopher not to complain too much. At least most of the time. And those little pitfalls give heart to our writing. :) Have a great day.

  3. When you get a free moment, stop by today. I have a little something for you.

    You impress me with your hard work. Days like this are allowed!

  4. I saw you listed at Caroline's blog and came over to say hi. Congrats on your award! ;-)

  5. Each day is a miracle. Each day you get to write or express your deepest passions is a greater miracle. Keep on plugging away - it's the only way your dreams come true. (I found you via Caroline, btw!)

  6. Hi Shannon and Debra! Welcome to RAW! I'm so glad you both stopped by today. Although I've hardly had time to respond to comments, which I try to ALWAYS do. :)
    Robyn: You are truly blessed. :0)
    Tamika: It does help to know we aren't alone, doesn't it?
    Caroline: Thank you so much!! I will wear the award with honor. :0)


Your spotlight on R.A.W. :0) I strive to respond if you have your email address attached!