Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!!

Let me preface this post with the fact that I'm not trying to leave Christ out of Christmas. To those of you that celebrate; Merry Christmas!! But I also know that many of you do not celebrate Christmas, but Channukah or other holidays that are perfectly wonderful.  So...Happy Holidays, my Cool Kids!

I'll be honest with you guys...this isn't my favorite time of year. I don't know what happened to the magic...I can't blame it on my children. They assure me every year that they do not expect a big, expensive Christmas (and every year I deliver a too expensive for us Christmas) and my husband and I do not even exchange gifts, usually. The past couple of years, he has sneakily bought me a present and I'm the one out on Christmas Eve searching for something...anything...for him.

I love giving gifts...but do not have the means to buy presents nor the energy/time/creative ability to make them. I feel like December is this huge Time Suck in life that drains me emotionally, mentally, financially and physically. That's pretty draining. Which ruins the whole magical Christmas stuff for me.

The kids are cute. The anxiety and the wishing and hoping, searching and wondering about presents, Santa, God and everything in between. I love that part. I love seeing their faces light up at the simplest things-like baking cookies (we actually got around to that, thank goodness!) and making snowflakes (we did not get around to that one....) is priceless.

This is perhaps The Royals' favorite part of Christmas

Oh and we can't forget this....
This was the Prince's first year decorating cookies, and he had a blast!

So, here's to next year that I will somehow find the magic again and here's to this year that I faked it pretty well and there's only one day left. ;)

Everyone stay safe!!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Merry Christmas Kristi! I hope your holidays are extra special.


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