Monday, December 14, 2009

Lovely Monday

Wow! I'm not even going to lie...I've seen this award on other blogs and I always get a teeny tiny bit envious. It's such a pretty award and now I get to display it on my blog! *squee!* Do you see how easy it is to make me happy? Thank you Liza over at Middle Passages for choosing my blog out of the big ol' blogosphere. It's always an honor. Check out Liza's blog too!

Now, the official rules state that I'm to find fifteen more bloggers to award this to, but Liza absolved me of having to follow the rules. So for now, I will link to as many as I can and of course I've linked back to Liza, who truly does have an amazing blog.

Now on to other Monday type of business...
I've put myself on a new schedule. We shall see if this works.This time it will work. You see, in my house, with the variety of ages in my children and the court jester disabled, schedules are sort of...unscheduled. I mean, we don't know what we are doing tomorrow, usually, until tomorrow comes. We just never seems to happen. We tried having a schedule before of times for me to write and that definitely did not work. So, we're trying a new one. It goes like this:
Mon-Fri: Blog, it is helpful to me creatively, it's like the warm-up before you start jogging
Mon, Wed and Fri: Add 1000 to 2000 words in my new WIP, Stolen Years
Tues and Thurs: Light editing of Nano Project, Addiction and Critiques for my group, add new words in Stolen Years.
Sat and Sun: Organize any notes into my nifty and FREE MemoMaster, Catch up on reading

Some of the best advice I've ever read, that would smack me back into reality gently remind me that if you want to be published, just write a book and you're done it's work and it's a job you must put effort into. Write every day, feel like it or not. If you want to be successful you will find or make the time to write every day. You will make the time to read. You will make the time to network/blog/tweet (omg, I do not understand tweetering)

Now, I've done well with the consistency of writing every day. Nano really helped me with that, too. However, everything else seems to be shuffled to the side or forgotten and it really bugs the OCD in me that is often stuffed away. Hence...the new 'schedule'. I'll keep you updated.

Random thought: I'm growing impatient. I really want to query....I want to query so badly I'm thinking of digging out my picture books and trying to find an agent with them. I'm very proud of all my fellow agented bloggers, querying and submitting bloggers...but, uhm, you make me a little jealous. I find myself pushing harder and harder and then doubting myself more. What do you think?

So, I have some writing to do...what about your Monday?


  1. Congrats to you and all you picked. I will visit their blogs asap. And I will write tonight after all are snug in their beds.

    Today is home-school, grocery store(UGH), muck stalls, groom horses, cook supper, family time, Oh man! I'd better get hopping. :)

  2. Congratulations on your award Kristi! And to all the other deserving winners. I have new sites to check out now.

    My Monday is pretty good! I was driving this morning and having some stewing time with my WIP and got some gray areas cleared up. I can't wait to attack it on my lunch break.

  3. Don't jump too quick into getting those queries out. Make sure you are really ready, but I totally know what you are feeling. It was driving me nuts when I was editing my YA fantasy. I so wanted to rush the rewrite because I was "ready" to have it out there. I kept having to remind myself that sending it out prematurely would not help in my goal to get an agent.

    Schedules, yeah, I try, I can usually do really good for about two days, and then something happens that throws my schedule into chaos and that's it for at least the rest of the week or longer. I might not have times that I have to do things, but I do try to do at least an hour a day on my online book, 1000 words or ten pages of rewriting on my space opera, and one chapter rewriting of my romantic suspense a day. I'm happy if I get at least two of those things done though I aim for all three.

  4. Congrats to everyone on the award. I'm trying to exercise patience right now. I made the mistake of querying too soon in the past, and I'm not going to do it again. The time will be right eventually. I guess what I'm trying to say is that don't rush just because everyone else is at that point.

  5. That was a good reminder to write everyday. I agree with Susan, I queried too soon as well and now feel more confident.

  6. Looks good. Don't rush it. You've got a great thing going, and when your work is ready to submit, you'll know it!

  7. I sooooo know that impatience to query!! it's so funny that we want to hurry up so much in an industry that moves so slowly!

    I can't wait to go back to writing seriously every day. I've really missed that.

    Congrats on the award!

  8. Isn't impatience like a requirement of the writing life? Or is it patience? Good luck!

  9. Thank you for the award! You're so sweet :)

    I'll have to check out the others - I haven't seen all of these new folks yet!

    I've found having a schedule just adds more stress for me. I'm much more productive if I do what I can when I can. Probably because my life's a little on the chaotic side right now :) Most people find schedules VERY helpful. I hope it works out for you!

  10. Lord, Robyn-you are superwoman. I would already be asleep thinking about all that to do!
    Everyone else, thanks for commiserating with me. Heidi, you nailed it, "isn't odd we rush in an industry that moves so slowly?" Too true!! Ok, I promise, I won't go crazy querying to my own demise. :0) THanks everyone SO MUCH for chiming in and calming me down. :0) Jemi-you deserve the award.

  11. I get SO impatient too. I have to keep reminding myself that this is a slow moving industry. I don't write every day, at least not fiction. I tend to work on my books in spurts.

  12. I love this post. We are much alike, Kristi! I can't tell you how many times I've "revised" my writing schedule over the past couple of months. I keep thinking I can accomplish a lot more in a day than reality allows.

    And try not to be impatient about querying--at least that's what I try to do, er, NOT to do. I'm trying to focus on enjoying the whole process. If we keep plugging away we'll eventually get to the query part and it will be oh so suh-weeeeet! ;o)

  13. Oops!! I forgot to say THANK YOU for the One Lovely Blog award. Thank you very much!

  14. Thanks so much for the award!! It means so much to me.

    I know exactly where you are with your pull to query. I'm feeling the same thing with the novel my sister and I cowrote this past summer. The original plan was to edit it over the holiday break and query in the new year. However, the other day in the car, we decided we're overhauling the entire thing and rewriting major parts. It looks as though our querying dreams will have to wait too.

    For now, enjoy the writing process and writing everyday!! It's important to enjoy it. =)

  15. Thank you!!!! I'm completely not worthy to be the recipient of an award from - okay I'm going to say it - a REAL writer like you. I want to be a real writer when I grow up.

    Congrats to you - very much deserved. I will do the happy dance when your published.

  16. Thank you Kristi, for the award for Four Jugs, but also the motivation. I feel like you and I both blog for very similar reasons- to keep the writing muscles warmed up and try to make writing a regular habit. It is daunting. And I do feel sort of inadequate and discouraged when I hear of other bloggers/writers who seem to be 5 steps down the "published" road ahead of me. Or 25. But. they earned it, and the only way to earn it is to WRITE! So thanks for your inspiring blog.

  17. aww Lucy, thanks for making my morning! I'm so glad you 'get' me. :0) Thanks for your comments. Have a great day!


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