Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stubborn Royals

Despite my children's wishes to stay off the computer all week-they would not clean their own room, so I get my blog back. :0) See, I know how to bargain.

Something awful and wonderful happened yesterday. Let me begin with Monday night. I went to bed early, as I'm usually up wayyyy too late to be functional at 6 am. I tossed and turned. I couldn't get comfortable. The bed is too soft, the covers were too warm, my husband went to sleep too fast. (I mean, seriously! FIVE seconds after he hits the pillows he is SNORING kids, SNORING I hate him.) 

So, I got out of bed, went to read some blogs and found my internet connection not working. Well, too dark and too quiet to try and fix it, so I sat on my couch to watch the old Diary of Anne Frank. The black and white, horrible sound, awful lighting, WONDERFUL movie of Anne Frank's optimism in the face of utter despair. I thought I would fall asleep. 2 am came and went. Then 3 am. Finally, I fell into a restless sleep on the couch. Woke up around 5 am and stumbled to my bed. Woke up to the princesses at 7 am and COULD NOT MOVE. Literally. I mean that in the literal definition of the word, too. I couldn't even roll over.

I moaned to my husband that I was in too much pain and so he grumbled and got out of bed to take the princesses to school. I took a pain pill. I tried to stretch a little bit every twenty minutes. Agony. Pure. Hell.
Especially when the young prince woke up. You see, he's a big time momma's prince..........Daddy just doesn't cut it in the morning. So I hurt myself some more to take care of him.

Then we tried to turn on Handy Manny for the young prince and our cable is out. Which is also who provides our internet service. Hmmm. Did we miss the bill? Why yes we did. And...payday is two weeks away. Oh. Fudge. Can my day get any better?

Ready for wonderful?? I did not clean or cook a darn thing yesterday as I was supposed to. My husband managed to crack my spine in at least ten different places and I could move. Then he did something really wonderful. Really. I might have to give him the name of King now instead of Court Jester, it was so wonderful.

He got my internet and cable turned back on. He called and found out they had been overcharging us for a service we do not have for the last six months. Now wonder it's been hard to keep up with the cable bill. We kept scratching our heads, thinking we were paying late fees, taxes or some such other baloney they charge you. They were terribly embarrassed and restored our services, plus cut our bill in half and changed the due date to payday. THANK YOU!

The most important wonderful part of yesterday though....I realized that my body was sending me signals. Signals like-use your time/energy and strength more wisely. Things like, sit up straight when you write, dork. And....listen carefully to yourself.

I have been stressed out to the max the last few weeks with a combination of writing stress and personal stress. Now, I'm not saying I'm the only one that endures stress. I know all of us do. It's impossible to walk this Earth and not feel stress. Seriously. But I have shoved it aside and tried to soothe it with more cigarettes, food and less sleep and exercise. Uh huh. Smart, right? *Smacking Head on Desk*

So, thank you to all of my fabulous cool kids with your well wishes for me while I disappeared. They came through at the end of the day. :0)


  1. Well, it sounds like you had some good things happen in the middle of all the bad. I hope your back is okay. That's the most awful pain.

  2. As tired as I am, I force myself to keep up with my walking/running on the treadmill, as well as yoga. It's so easy to fall into the stress sinkhole and difficult to get out once to do. Take care of yourself, friend!

  3. No,no,no....tell me you did not actually mean 'cigarettes' as in smoking them! If you knew all the people I did right now who are dying of cancer...right this minute, you might rethink that. Please rethink it. Think first of your children. I'm 53, my mother is dying, and I'm even too young for that to happen. Really.

  4. Hope you're back on the way to feeling better. Back pain is not fun! Neither is having a hubby who can be asleep & snoring in 5 seconds. I know EXACTLY how you feel - my hubby is the exact same way.

    Take care of yourself!

  5. I love it when you don't seem to get your head above water and then your husband can step in and make some of the pain go away!

    I need to sit up straight when I write as well!

  6. Susan: Yes, and I deal with a little each day due to scoliosis/fibromyalgia..but today is starting to feel better

    Melissa: Thank you. I'm going to have to get myself a yoga tape. I did it a long time ago and it was wonderfully relaxing

    PJ: I'm working on that, I promise!

    Jemi: I'm so glad I'm not the only one. It takes me forever to fall asleep, esp when I'm listening to hubby snore. :)

    Jen: Yes, isn't it wonderful when hubbies save the day!?

    Thank you so much for all your kind comments and well wishes. :)

  7. I hear ya. I've started running. Can't say that I've lost weight because after I run I give myself permission to eat something sweet. BUT...I feel better. My back was in rough shape and I think it was from sitting at the computer too long without taking breaks.

  8. I feel your pain! I am the queen of stress and I also (for some inexplicable reason) love to sit on the floor slumped over my laptop until my butt is numb and I can't properly straighten up.

    I think sometimes the universe is just giving up mini wake up calls along the way- like hey, something has to change here!

    Hope you feel better soon. :)

  9. I hate back pain. Mine is always in the lower lumbar; but, my Chiropractor taught me some great (I look ridiculous) stretches on my exercise ball.

    And, I hate insomnia which I suffer with often (constantly).

    AND, my hubby has the snore-factor too. It wakes me almost every night. If I don't beat it to sleep, I too, will be up all hours of the night.

  10. Kristi, sorry about all the problems and your pain, but WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO CROWN HIM KING?? What a guy!! BTW, I feel your pain about the snoring. Grrrrrr

    Hey, I'm making an award slide. That thing is so KEWL!! Rest the back. (^_^)

  11. You guys rock! I'be been taking it very easy today. I've only written a paragraph at a time. Which is a little annoying, but at least I'm still working.

    I'm so blessed to have such caring friends. Thank you all!


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