Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Pukey Reflections

Let me start by thanking everyone for their well wishes. I can't tell you how a smile brought on by friends can chase the gray clouds away. I thought this sickness would be temporary. I felt so much better after a nap, but then about three hours later it was back. :( Bummer. The other thing that really helped me feel better was receiving two new awards from my blogging buddies! I'm totally blown away, but I love them, so thank you!!

Laurel at Laurel's Leaves and Natalie Bahm are two great bloggers. If you haven't already, please do stop by and check them out!!

Since I've lived on the couch and consumed nothing but liquids and soup, I've had a little more time to reflect on this past year. Something that I don't usually make a conscious effort to do. When I finally finished with the pukey part of this illness, I scribbled down a few revelations.

Even more than in past years, I have learned this year to really let go of all the miniscule things in life that won't further me or my family. Housework-truly it needs to be done. No one wants to live in filth. But do I need to spend six hours of every day making sure that all is in order. Not with three kids and a desire to write I don't.

It's okay that I don't live a glamorous life with girls nights out, clubs, high powered career and all-I think I'm finally comfortable enough in my life to say that, although I could be all glamour(don't forget my drama past), I'm really happy spending my evenings on the couch looking like crap and watching bad tv with my husband. Or sitting around a table playing Life with the royals. My nights aren't complete without it.

I'm not a better mom than Susie the room parent, carpooling exec, and PTA leader all in one...but I can bet I'm a lot more relaxed. I'm really savoring my children's school years. It goes by so fast, I don't want to clutter it up with too many obligations and suddenly look up to a young prince about to graduate and leave home. I think I'm doing everything just right...FOR ME.

I may never be published and that's okay too. I've met an incredible group of people here in the online world of writers and I'm honored just to be a small part of that. I still won't give up, but I can honestly say that it won't be the end of the world if I never find the agent, write THE book or see my name in print. Honestly.

Tomorrow I'll post about my exciting year of 2009 as a *gulp* writer! I see a lot of my bloggy pals doing the same and I've enjoyed reading about so many writers' struggles and triumphs throughout 2009, I figure I'll share too.


  1. Yeah, the house cleaning really gets in the way, doesn't it? I've also learned to let a little of that go. Otherwise, I never would get any writing done. Thanks for sharing your journey with us all over the past year. I've enjoyed getting to know you. Happy New Year!

  2. This is such a true and honest post. We have to hold ourselves to our own standards, not those of others, or compare ourselves to what others are doing. I'm much like you, happy to be a simple mom and writer homebody. Wouldn't have it any other way. :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Something She Wrote, today. It's always great to connect to other writers!

  3. Life seems more peaceful when we free ourselves to be who God says we are. Simply being a writer is so much more than I could have hoped for.

    Have a happy New Year!

  4. Great post and reflection!! I too have no issues with letting the dishes pile while I write. But I do get on it eventually. I have never been one to need to have a pristine many other things that are more important to me...won't trade family time for cleaning.

    And the PTO...yikes! Some of those women are crazy! I like to help out when I can but it doesn't consume me like some.

  5. It's so important to find that balance in life. I hope you're on the road to recovery - and that you can stay there!!

  6. The school years do go quickly so you're smart to savor them! I hope you feel well soon, and I hope 2010 is great for you!

  7. Very thoughtful post! And everything you said is so true. Our kids are way more important than any other activities that we try to fill our lives with. I get a little teary-eyed when I think about how my oldest "baby" will graduate in six short years. And the house cleaning - yes, we do need to do that, but it's not necessary to spend the whole day at it. You know, the kids usually just drag stuff out after you clean anyway:)


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